The sun’s bursting through these windows, and my buttercream’s going all soft on me. There’s a zesty, fruity smell about the house,...
I’ll Just Have A Tasteen...
Tasteen. Pronounced like taste - een. Anybody else have an irish Gran that says this word? When Brad told me it wasn’t actually a word I...
Chocolate Runnin'
I do it all the time. I run out of chocolate, so I pop out on a chocolate run to pick up more. I’m chocolate runnin’. There are people...
Baking Mad
It has been a fresh cakes all day kind of day. The oven’s been on for most of it, so the window’s been a little open and my kitchen aid...
Cake Therapy
Hm, where to begin with my blog. I guess I just want this to be a place for me to be me. And that’s my excuse for the not so perfect...